About Us

Non-Profit Collaborative County-Owned Technology


Governed by a Board of Directors made up of Elected County Officials.


Interlocal Agreement

Counties can contract directly with TechShare LGC to use software through an interlocal agreement.

Ownership & SaaS Offerings

Counties can “buy in” to own the software, or choose to obtain software as a service (SaaS) for an annual fee.

Our Story

TechShare was created on the belief that counties should have a way to collaborate on developing technology solutions. TechShare was established as program of the Texas Conference of Urban Counties in 2004. In 2019, the TechShare Local Government Corporation was formed to enable counties to obtain use of the software through an interlocal agreement.

Board of Directors

The TechShare Local Government Corporation governed by a Board of Directors made up of elected county officials.

Hon. Manny Ramirez, County Commissioner, Tarrant County

Hon. Margaret Gomez, County Commissioner, Travis County

Open, County Commissioner, Midland County

Hon. Kevin Falconer, County Commissioner, Denton County

Hon. Nancy Tanner, County Judge, Potter County

Rebecca L. Lewis, Executive Director, TechShare LGC